Sunday, February 2, 2014

Launch of Grenada libraries, Archives and other Heritage Committee Support Group, Inc (Grenlib)"


The Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, DC invited me to the launch of a new organization called Grenada libraries, Archives and other Heritage Committee Support Group, Inc (Grenlib). Grenlib is a non-political-party-partisan organization incorporated, formed in the State of Maryland.  The organization seeks to help ensure the reopening, survival and modernization of public libraries throughout the Caribbean State of Grenada (Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique).  The library, which is the main library in the State of Grenada has been closed since 2011 given its struggles which include but are not limited to a lack of trained staff on the island and Natural Disasters – each hurricane season the island and it’s libraries are at great peril. 

The launch took place at the Ulrich Recital Hall, University of Maryland. I am truly happy that a group has come together to bring more awareness and raise funds to combat this issue. Several dignitaries were in attendance including His Excellency, Dr. Angus Friday, Ambassador of Grenada to the US, and Her Excellency, Ms. Jacinth Henry-Martin, Ambassador of St. Kitts and Nevis to the US.  In addition to the educational and informative speeches, we were delightfully treated to presentations by Her Excellency, Ms. Jacinth Henry-Martin (who is a master poet and author), and father and son duo Eddie and Quincy Bullen on piano.  The launch  was quite a success and I look forward to the reopening of the Grenada library with the assistance of Grenlib. 

In discussion with  Her Excellency, Ms. Jacinth Henry-Martin, Ambassador of St. Kitts and Nevis to the US
(Left) President of the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, DC Mr. John Mckenzie and His Excellency, Dr. Angus Friday, Ambassador of Grenada to the US 
Father and son duo Eddie and Quincy Bullen on piano
Some of the Grenlib committee members 
Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

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