Friday, February 7, 2014

Drexel West Indian Student Establishment (W.I.S.E) Flag Donation

President Ashlee Douglas and I with the St. Kitts and Nevis Flag
In the latter part of 2013 I received an invitation to take part in an event organized by the Drexel West Indian Student Establishment (W.I.S.E).  The organization has been instrumental in improving the social, educational and personal lives of Drexel University's Caribbean students and students interested in the Caribbean culture. By combining the energy, charisma and the devote national pride that instill every islander with the need to belong and the desire to feel accepted in a foreign land, WISE has become the outlet for Caribbean ideas, culture, traditions and beliefs for the Drexel University community.  One of the things that I believe triggers national pride in an individual is that of seeing the flag of your country of birth.

While attending the event with WISE, I noticed that there were several flags of the Caribbean island's that were missing which led to a discussion with the current President, Miss Ashlee Douglas. She mentioned that the group strives to recognize as many Caribbean nations as possible however, due to lack of funding and opportunities to raise funds they were limited in meeting that particular goal.  It is with this in mind that I decided to donate two of the flags that were noticeably missing: St. Kitts and Nevis and the other for St. Vincent and the Grenadines. President Ashlee accepted the flags on behalf of the organization and expressed thanks for the kind donation.
President Ashlee Douglas

President Ashlee Douglas and I with the flag of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

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