Thursday, March 27, 2014

President of American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) - Dr. Sherry Goodill

I had the honor of meeting Dr. Sherry Goodill, president of the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) at the Drexel University where she is also a senior professor.  I got to speak with her about my plans of bringing Dance Therapy Awareness to the city of Philadelphia and in St. Kitts and Nevis.  We also discussed my Dance Your Dance Campaign and how to get more community support.  She was very supportive and enthusiastic and did not hesitate to provide me support by connecting me with two other Certified Dance Therapists.  She also allowed me the opportunity to view several informative documentaries about dance therapy (how cool is that?).

Thank you to Dr. Goodill and your team for taking the time to hear my story and mission.  Thank you as well to everyone for embracing my cause.  We are all well on our way to living happier, healthier lives through embracing who we are and dancing our dance.

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

New Jersey International Pageant!

There is always a certain level of joy that one experiences through seeing someone else’s dreams come true. This weekend I attended the New Jersey International Pageant in East Brunswick, New Jersey and was blessed with the opportunity to see the dreams of three spectacular women come true. Several dignitaries were in the house, including the reigning Miss International, Jesse Ladoue.
All of the contestants worked incredibly hard.  I could sense their passion for their platforms and desire to represent the International System.  At the end of the night, only one person gets to walk away with the crown, but everyone walks away with a life changing experience. It would be remiss of me not to give a huge thank you to state directors Jodi and Scott Cessna for making my visit to the pageant such a rewarding experience.

Congratulations to the new New Jersey International Queens!

Miss International 2013, Jesse Ladoue

NJ State Directors, Mrs. Jodi Cessna and Mr. Scott Cessna

Miss PA International 2013, Rachel Syktich

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dance Your Dance! Improving Lives Through Dance Therapy

Dementia, Anxiety, Stress, Abuse, Low Self-Esteem.   

These are all challenges that many people deal with on a daily basis, yet may have a difficult time accepting. Many people agonize in silence about such challenges, unaware of, or unwilling to explore different options of healing. Many are not aware of dance therapy even though research and training continues to evolve with proven benefits. We cannot allow our nations to continue to develop with individuals who cannot accept themselves, or who are unequipped with the skills and information that will allow them to cope with different issues/challenges.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love to dance.  What many do not know is that I too suffered in silence through my struggle with anxiety. Through discussions with a friend, who is a dance therapist, I learned about the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) and what dance therapy is about. The ADTA is the only U.S. organization dedicated to the profession of dance/movement therapy and it provides support to the emerging profession of dance/movement therapy through a variety of mediums including training.  The organization serves people in over 40 countries worldwide including Egypt, Italy, Taiwan and Belgium just to name a few. 

I also learned how I could utilize my love of dance as a source of healing.  It was through my initial discovery of dance therapy that my need to inspire people to “Dance their Dance” was solidified. 

The purpose of "Dance Your Dance" is to promote the importance of dance therapy, through advocacy and volunteerism.  By partnering with the American Dance Therapy Association, I am opening the minds of many individuals who are unaware of the healing options that dance therapy provides. If we can work to ensure that more individuals are aware of the beneficial option of dance therapy, then we can break the cycle of silence and begin to accept ourselves. We can begin to dance like only we can. You can begin to "Dance your dance."

Please join me on my journey to tap into the untapped possibilities of the mind, through the power of dance. 

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy International Women's Day

Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and to celebrate the  achievements of women and girls. The International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's. The United States even designates the whole month of March as 'Women's History Month'. The purpose of Women’s History Month is twofold.  First, it is to honor the legacy of women who have made an impact.  Second, it is to address the needs of women across the world.  The idea is that by honoring the strides that women have made and by highlighting the work that still needs to be done, the status of women throughout the world will be elevated.  This is a cause that we all can recognize the importance of. 

Each year, a theme is chosen.  The International Women's Day 2014 Theme is: "INSPIRING CHANGE." Women's equality has made positive gains but the world is still unequal. International Women's Day celebrates the social, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action.

So make a difference, think globally and act locally !! Make everyday International Women's Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.

Happy International Women's Day!

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Journey to Miss International

We are officially 143 days away from Pageant week and 148 days until a new Miss International is crowned.

Jesse Ladoue, Miss International 2013
Every day is filled with breathtaking anticipation, beautiful moments, incredible opportunities and TONS of excitement (and I love excitement)!

The journey to the Miss International Competition has not only given me the opportunity to continue with my charity work and community service, but, I have also been able to develop new skills and improve upon a few others. Skills such as discipline and leadership, which I acquired through my work with the Toastmasters International organization, continues to grow through this journey.  Working more closely with the American Dance Therapy Association through my platform of Dance Therapy is quite rewarding and fullfilling.

When I started this journey, I knew I wanted to make an impact, and I knew I wanted to enjoy this moment.  Even before I get to the actual pageant, I can say without hesitation that the latter action of enjoyment has already been fullfilled. Participation in and future calendar bookings for speaking engagements, dance performances, charity walks and opportunities to host events, coupled with direct advocacy with the American Dance Therapy Association have all served to surpass my expectation and I know this journey is changing my life for the better.  Bringing awareness to Dance Therapy is equally rewarding and the wealth of knowledge that surrounds the field is tremendous.  I never get tired of learning more about how dance therapy improves the lives of every individual who partakes in it. Which is why I encourage everyone to "dance your dance."

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014