Saturday, May 24, 2014

American Heart Association Annual Heart Walk

Last week I able to work at a designated station for the American Heart Association at an annual Heart Walk in Ocean City, NJ. It was in the middle of the starting point of the walk.  My task: Challenge everyone who passes by my station to name the F.A.S.T signs of stroke. Every individual who came by stepped up to the challenge and were able to name almost all the signs. Many had a challenge naming the 'T' sign. So we are all educated on the signs, here they are:

F - Face Dropping
A - Arm Weakness
S - Speech Difficulty 
T - Time to call 911

Many people who were able to name all of the signs, also shared with me stories about what made them aware of the signs and why they strive for being heart healthy. I was glad that I was able to share information with these people & encourage them to get the to remain vigilant in living a heart healthy life. In addition, as a dancer I was tasked with co-leading the warm-up exercises (this is a task I happily accepted). 

The American Heart Association is the largest voluntary health organization working to prevent, treat and defeat heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. These diseases, the Nation's No.1 and No.3 killers, claim more than 865,000 American lives a year. Thanks to all our walkers, donors and volunteers who have accepted the challenge to help fight heart disease and stroke. We cannot achieve our mission without each one of you!

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International

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