Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sandy Point Benevolent Society - Taste of the Caribbean Easter Breakfast - Successful

A future Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 

Volunteering with one of the most dedicated St. Kitts groups (Sandy-Point Benevolent-Society) at their annual fundraising Easter Breakfast was quite a rewarding experience. As soon as I got in, I was given gloves and a hair net (yes you heard me right. It definitely was not a cute look but I was not there too look cute).

The Sandy Point Benevolent Society hosts its Taste of the Caribbean Easter Breakfast every year as one of the group's main fundraisers. The funds raised through this event goes towards the development of St. Kitts and Nevis as well as towards scholarships for primary and high school students within the federation.  There was plenty of food to be had on that day and everyone appeared to have a wonderful time dining on food we normally would not receive unless we were home in St. Kitts and Nevis

President (left) Dr. Mervin Richardson, Vice President (right) Mr Vincent Hodge 

Executive members of the Sandy Point Benevolent Society
Stacey Greene

Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014 American Heart Association Heart & Stroke Ball

It was a hotsy-totsy heart affair at the American Heart Association 1920's inspired 2014 York Heart & Stroke Ball on April 12 at the Country Club of York. I was on hand as a volunteer where I oversaw the super silent auction table. It was a lot of fun and I do say the night was quite a success!

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 

With  the 2014 American Heart Association Heart & Stroke Ball coordinator Miss Molly Reffner

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Miss PA International Pageants

Current Miss, Teen and Mrs Contestants with the reigning Miss International, Jesse Ladoue 
I feel so very  blessed to be a part of the International organization.  I had the chance to speak with several of my fellow contestants who will compete with me this summer for the title of Miss International. Being able to speak about our platforms, allowed us to bond over community service and community involvement.  I also watched as three deserving women gained the opportunity to represent the state of PA as the Teen, Miss and Mrs PA International. In addition to enjoying the pageant, at the end I was able to speak with a young lady who was ecstatic to learn of my platform: Dance your dance, improving lives through dance therapy.  She was almost brought to tears, sharing with me how the healing power of dance has helped her overcome many personal obstacles.  She is now set to begin her training at Drexel University in the Fall of 2014 for her Masters of Dance Therapy Degree. 

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International

Miss North East International 2014 and I taking a moment to show our dance moves

A future dance therapists who is slated to begin her masters degree in Dance Therapy at Drexel University Fall 14

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sandy Point Benevolent Society - Taste of the Caribbean Easter Breakfast

The Sandy Point Benevolent Society will host its Taste of the Caribbean Easter Breakfast on April 19th.  I will be on hand to volunteer at this event.  The funds rasied through this event goes towards the development of St. Kitts and Nevis as well as towards scholarships for primary and high school students within the federation.  All are encourgaged to come out to this event.  I attended as an invited guest last year and the food was absolutely amazing (definitely money well spent all around).

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Launch Event - American Heart Association Heart Walk

This past Tuesday night, the American Heart Association of Southern, NJ, held their Southern NJ  Team Captain Kick-Off and Networking event in Linwood, NJ .  I was there to support the Kick-off of the American Heart Association "Heart Walk."

Empowering individuals to take control of their health is the mission of the American Heart Association and it was my pleasure to join them in bringing that message to the public.  This coming Wednesday, April 2nd mark the official National Walking Day. Be sure to keep this day in mind and do your part to remain heart healthy.   On this day,  all you need to do is take at least 30 minutes out of your day to get up and walk. It's a great way to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity and to get your family, friends and co-workers started on a healthier way of life. So let's get up and move and while you are at it why not #DanceYourDance

Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

Posing with American Heart Association Executives

Jeffrey DuBois
2014 Southern NJ Spring Heart Walk Chairman,
President - South Jersey Gas

Daniel Santos
South Jersey Gas
American Heart Association Survivor Ambassador
Deborah C. VanSant
Regional Director, Southern New Jersey
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association