Monday, December 2, 2013

The Journey has only just begun

For the past 5 years I have worked with numerous groups to mentor children in areas of dance education, developing confidence and life skills essential to building a powerful, whole and unique individual. I have worked with groups such as the Uniquely You Summit, The Children's Dance Theater, and The FireFlies Dance School. As Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International, I have continued what I started by working with the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA). It is very important to me to use my crown to make an even bigger impact in my community and around the world.  As Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International, I hope to accomplish several things with my platform of dance therapy this year including but not limited to bringing awareness to the function of the ADTA, raising awareness for the benefits of dance therapy and conducting several workshops with the ADTA. 

Earlier this year, I interviewed to be a Girl Exchange Leader with the Unniquely You Summit.  During the interview, I was asked to finish the sentence "I am..."  I thought about that for all of 2 seconds then I responded by saying "I am not to be underestimated."  Too ofter individuals in society whether it is in school, professionally or a pageant, count us out.  I have learned to believe in myself.  I have the tools and the ability to to be a leader, to be a team member, to be the best in my field and even to be Miss International. I have been working very hard to ensure my dreams come true, and I plan to continue working until my dreams become a reality.

Thank you for reading my blog,
Stacey Greene
Miss St. Kitts and Nevis International 2014

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